"Life is a gift, make the most of it!"
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to succeed is to try one more time"
Good evening, I'm so excited to see each other again on broadcast!!!!!
Loving hurts, but it also heals. Losing someone teaches us about ourselves and prepares us for a new love, more conscious, more mature, more free.
Uncertainty scares us because we want to control everything. But in it is the magic of life: surprises, unexpected turns and personal growth. Accepting it frees us.
The most difficult moments have given rise to the most beautiful works. Sadness, when transformed, becomes poetry, music or art. It is proof that even in pain there is beauty.
Hope leads us to imagine a better future, but reality sometimes confronts us with its harshness. The trick is to use hope as a driving f o r c e to change what we can and accept what we can't.
True love is not perfect, it is real. It is based on accepting the other with their virtues and defects, and finding a deep connection that goes beyond the superficial.
Our mind is a whirlwind. It can encompass everything, but also remain empty. This chaos, although exhausting, is what makes us human: capable of dreaming, creating and transforming.
Sadness is not an enemy, it is a reminder that we are alive. It teaches us to value joy, to reflect and to grow. When we listen to it, it guides us towards a stronger version of ourselves.
Hope is that whisper that says "everything will get better." In the darkest moments, holding on can mean the difference between giving up and moving on. It is not naivety; It's bravery.
Love is more than a feeling; It is a daily decision. Loving connects us with the best of ourselves and gives us purpose. When we practice it, not only towards others, but towards ourselves, we live more fully and meaningfully.
Living between excess and lack is finding balance. It is not about giving up on dreams or accumulating more than necessary, but about discovering what is essential for our happiness. At that middle point, life feels lighter, more authentic.
I definitely need to go to a has-ash, melendi, jesse and joey concert, I want to sing all their songs at the top of my lungs..
What the rains are causing today seems so crazy to me, in my city the streets were flooded, and hail was falling, how crazy, it's a miracle to get home dry
It doesn't matter if it's something small or big, every achievement deserves to be celebrated. Today I pat myself on the back for everything I have achieved so far. My path has been unique, and every step counts.
"Setting limits does not make me selfish, it makes me wise. I understand that taking care of my space and my energy is essential for my peace of mind. Today I allow myself to say 'no' when necessary."
There are days that are not easy, and that's okay. Allowing myself to feel, fall and get back up is also part of the process. Today I understand that even in difficult times, I am learning and growing."
Sometimes life gets hectic, but I remind myself that I need to take care of myself. Today I take a break, give myself a moment of calm, and do something that makes me feel good. My well-being is my priority.
"I am a woman who chooses herself every day. Who defies expectations and follows her own paths. If I have a dream, I work for it. If I have a goal, nothing stops me. Today I empower myself because I know that I have everything to achieve." achieve it."
"At first, I was afraid of being alone, but today I value my time with myself. In silence, I discovered who I really am, without filters or external expectations. Solitude taught me to enjoy my own life."
"I don't need to wait to be 'perfect' to love myself. Today I celebrate myself as I am: with my flaws, my mistakes, and my achievements. Self-love is not a destination, it is a path I walk every day."
"I learned not to depend on anyone to be happy, because peace and balance only depend on me. Today, I give myself permission to be free, to not need validation from anyone. My well-being is my responsibility."
"Every day is an opportunity to prove to myself that I can face anything. No matter what they say, true strength lies in believing in myself and my ability to transform my life.
I love to thank the universe for everything good and bad, since everything is for learning and a work of introspection.Let us give thanks and learn from our mistakes and the lessons of life.
1. Evacuate if necessary: Follow evacuation orders without hesitation, as storm surge and winds can be dangerous. 2. Prepare supplies: Have water, food and medicine for several days.3. Protect your home: Reinforce windows and doors, and make sure valuable items are safe.4. Stay informed: Follow weather updates to know how the situation evolves.Take care of your safety and that of yours. ??????????????????
I know many of you are going through difficult times due to the approaching Hurricane Milton. I want you to know that I am thinking of each of you and your families. Safety is the most important thing at this time, so please follow the recommendations of the authorities and prioritize your well-being. These types of situations challenge us, but they also show us the importance of unity and mutual support. If there is anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to reach out. You are not alone in this, we are together, even if it is from a distance. Take good care of yourselves and stay safe.
How complicated can it be? In search of the perfect perfume, but that smell of Notes of white amber and cardamom They don't leave my head and also my nose lol.
1.*Amouage - Epic Woman*.2. *Serge Lutens - Fleur d'Oranger*.3. *Frederic Malle - Portrait of a Lady*.They are somewhat rarer.
1. *Tom Ford - Black Orchid*.2. *Jo Malone - Velvet Rose & Oud*.3. *Dior - J'Adore*.4. *Guerlain - La Petite Robe Noire*.5. *By Kilian - Beyond Love*
Oh guys, I'm looking like crazy for a perfume that was discontinued in 2013-2015, it's called idolatre, with notes of amber, white peony and touches of Babylonian cardamom, known as the "Grain of Paradise" for the passions that its awakens. scent. I need to find a perfume that has the same characteristics and same fragrance, my God it is so difficult to find something out of stock from so long ago.
I want to take a moment to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being here and for reading my words. Knowing that you are with me in this space means a lot to me. I hope that what I share has left you with something valuable, even if it is small. Thank you for your time, for connecting with me through each story, each reflection.
7. Do random acts of kindness: Small gestures, like a smile or a kind word, can change someone's day. Choose a random act of kindness each day and enjoy the feeling of contributing something positive to the world. 8. Write an emotional journal: Throughout this month, record your emotions, thoughts and dreams. It will help you identify patterns and better understand your inner process.9. Forgive and let go: October is ideal for releasing grudges and forgiving. Don't carry the weight of the past; free yourself and make room for new blessings. 10. Feed your spirit with art and creativity: Take time to express yourself creatively. Whether painting, writing or dancing, art is a powerful way to connect with your soul and release emotions.
To make this October a month of personal and spiritual growth, here are some tips that will help you improve as a person and nourish your soul:1. Practice daily gratitude: Start or end each day by reflecting on three things you are grateful for. This will help you stay positive and focus on what you already have. 2. Dedicate time to meditation or mindfulness: Take a few minutes each day to disconnect from the outside world and connect with yourself. You can meditate or simply pay full attention to your breathing and thoughts.3. Surround yourself with positive energy: Share time with people who inspire you and who bring joy to your life. Avoid toxic situations and unnecessary drama.
"October arrives with the softness of a breeze that caresses the soul, bringing with it new beginnings and opportunities hidden in each dawn. It is the month in which the leaves turn golden, reminding us of the beauty of change. October invites us to embrace the unknown , to let go of the old and trust that the best is yet to come. May this month be an awakening for you, full of magical moments and dreams that begin to blossom under the soft autumn sun."
"Remember, no matter how hard things have been, the month always ends with a soft bow."
"Let the last sunset of the month paint your goals and dreams with hopeful tones."
Today the last day of the month of September, wow this month passed super fast, we must be grateful to the universe for everything, I hope we can all overcome all the tests that we have not presented along the way.Happy September 30!!!!!!!
I'm activated very early, although the weather hasn't been the best, and I've been a bit congested, that doesn't take away my good energy, hahahah is it either that or I suffer from hyperactivity, well anyway! I hope today is a beautiful day for everyone, I hope it is for me too!
I need to dance all night, and have a happy ending full of ecstasy and happiness
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